New directors appointed: @Gröning, MD, as Medical Director, Dr. med. Thomas Winkler , MD and David C. Kasper (also as Manager). Our mission together with our highly experienced local team and lab manager Samina Kazi, is to expand the current services with special focus on Women’s and Children’s health, Rare Diseases, Metabolic and Genetic Testing, and many more, in strengthening the regional support of physicians and their patients.

MedLab was founded by Johann Arnold, MD, and Carmen Schmidt (Manager) more than 10 years ago, and became a trustful and highly-recognized partner for specialty diagnostics. It recently became part of the #amedes-group, and successfully integrated in our laboratory network with the thankful support of many colleagues.

ARCHIMEDlife (ARCHIMED Life Science GmbH) is active with MedLab in a strategic partnership since 2014, in providing Rare Disease diagnostic services with hundreds of physicians together with pharma partners.

These and other activities will support our continuous efforts in provide better and faster diagnostic services with amedes-Gruppe, one of the largest laboratory networks with 100 sites in Germany, Belgium and Austria.